Friday, February 25, 2011

Cow's got your tongue?????

     Well I have had beef tongue in the past and love it, so I knew I had to give making it a try.  All the recipes I found were for beef tongue tacos and I had only eaten beef tongue sandwiches.  I went for the tacos recipe (thanks Randy for the video) and I am sure glad that I did.  I will say that the process to prepare the tongue is not for the faint of heart.  Boiling then peeling off the skin was in no way glamorous.


       I must say I am not a crock pot kinda guy, feels like lazy cooking.  I chose to slow cook my tongue over night in garlic, onions, and a Little beer (really wanted to smoke it, but that will be next time).  Anyways, when I woke up this morning after about 8 hours in the slow cooker, I removed the tongue and proceeded to peel off the skin as all the recipes had described.

      Next step was to prepare a green sauce that I saw in one of the recipes that supposedly went well with the tacos.  It is made of basic salsa Verde (tomitillos, onion, and jalapeno peppers), one avacado and a nice amount of fresh cilantro.  You combine the ingredients in a food processor.

        Then I proceeded to to brown off the beef tongue in a skillet in one inch slices to add some texture to the meat.  The next step was to warm the tortillas and make the tacos.  First was Alecia's since there can be no onions in sight during the making of any of her food.  BOOOOO


      Then came the real deal, my taco.  I took and diced up some sweet yellow onion and some tongue together and squeezed some fresh lime on them.  Then I covered my taco with the always great Hell on the red salsa, and the green sauce.

      Now that was a damn good taco, and of course you gotta have a cold beer when eating tacos.  All in all it was a great experience and will definatly make a camio or two on my menu.  Can't wait till the next culinary adventure.  Until then........



  1. Hmm, looks nasty. Well, not the green stuff. That sounds pretty good. Make me that on a chicken taco please!

  2. It was actually petty good. I just can't think about what it is.

  3. I must say you might look a little scared to try it!!
